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Complete Communities: Moms Needed
Fred Kent, the founder of the Project for Public Spaces, spoke in Indianapolis last week, at the annual Indiana Governor’s Conference for...
Aging in Community
As a recent lunchtime stroll taught me, we have much to learn about planning communities that work for all ages and abilities! Aside from...
Advancing the Livable Community Agenda
Last week I had the privilege of meeting with a group of funders and a few organization folks in Phoenix, Arizona. As an EngAgement...
Small Town/Home Base
(Note: Scroll to the end for information about an upcoming national conference call on Communities for a Lifetime) My town of Bloomington...
Design for a Small (aging) Planet
I am looking forward to an exciting and stimulating symposium to be held here in Bloomington, April 30-May 1. Leading edge thinkers and...
Making Aging Sexy
It’s a very exciting time to be involved with the field of aging studies, but then I’ve been fascinated with the subject for over 35...
Food and Feet
“Food desert” is not a phrase I was familiar with until very recently. Having met New Yorker Terry Kaelber at a meeting in D.C., he...
Aging in the Hood: Small Grants/Big Impact
Sitting in Buffalo Airport, waiting to return to Hoosierland having spent two fascinating days with citizens of 6 Buffalo and 2 rural...
Aging in Northern Colorado
Folks in Larimer County, Colorado (including Fort Collins, Loveland, Estes Park) got things going on Friday with a rousing Summit on...
Philanthropy and Aging
Through the leadership of the Indiana Grantmakers Alliance and support from Grantmakers in Aging, local EngAgement Initiative Networks...
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